#TimsCoffeeCommitment: Coffee For Len

We recently asked our guests to share their stories about the morning coffee rituals they have with us, the lengths they’ve gone to get their Timmies fix, and how else Tim Hortons has played a role in their lives.

Bethany shared her story about a Tims-inspired tribute to her late father that started at her wedding and continues on today with the hashtag #CoffeeForLen.

Tell us about your dad and his connection to Tims.

My dad was a man who always made sure people knew he was a proud Canadian. Anytime we had visitors he always gave them a tie with a Canadian flag and a Tims coffee.

I remember one year I went with my dad on a Bring Your Kids To Work Day and every Tim Hortons we went to on his route already had his order ready with a smiling face on it, or a note saying, “Have a great day Len!” The Tims people loved him and it became a part of who he was.

The best part growing up was when friends would come over and each would have a coffee to bring for my dad waiting on the front steps. He would always say a true friend knew his coffee order.

Honestly I can’t even think of Tims and not smile thinking of some memory I had with my dad. He also knew directions by where a Tims would be located. He would say, “Oh yeah, I know where that place is, there’s a Tims around the corner."

We heard you had a Tim Hortons coffee station at your wedding in honour of your dad?

That's right, the purpose of having a Tims station at the wedding was to positively have my dad’s presence at the wedding. Everyone who met him or knew of him knew there was always a Tims coffee in his hand and so we thought how great to have everyone cheers him with a coffee! We had a personal sign made saying, “Have a Double Double on Len.”

How did your guests react to the Tim Hortons station?

Everyone knew exactly who the station was for. Some people stood and cried, many cheered and many guests (even those who drank black coffee) made sure to drink a Double Double. It wasn’t just a Tims station, it was a “Have a Coffee With My Dad” station.

How are you continuing that tradition on today?

We started a #CoffeeForLen hashtag and every year on his last day with us (April 14th), people send us pictures of themselves with their Tims coffee so that on that day we are filled with happy memories, seeing that he is still amongst us even if it’s not physically.

Have your own #TimsCoffeeCommitment story? Share it with us at: mediainquiries@timhortons.com!